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Updated: Apr 14, 2020

Stanislav Grof and Jacob Moth at ITA conference Ireland 1994.

Reading Stanislav Grof’s new book, The Way of the Psychonaut, thrills me and brings to me many warm feelings. From reading the very beginning of this book, I have the feeling that this book indeed is a masterpiece and a must-read for dedicated seekers (psychonauts).

Stan has been an absolute game-changer in my life. The man who has influenced my life the most. When I first read his books as a teenager, he literally blew my mind with his systematical work with technologies of the sacred - especially psychedelic substances. I knew instantly that he was showing humanity the direction forward to the new world. A world where humanity would live in true brother- and sisterhood, and in balance with Mother Gaia, the planet we are living on, her resources, and capacity.

Stan has several times pointed out that the only way we can survive as a species is by undergoing a radical shift in consciousness.

He has integrated his cartography of the psyche with a wide range of advances in other fields - quantum-relativistic physics, systems theory, religious studies, anthropology, mythology, thanatology, archetypal astrology, esoteric studies – bringing paradigm-shifting thoughts into many different fields.

I feel so blessed and thankful for being a part of this movement from its very early stages. When I was 20, I met Jørgen Lumbye, a man who was very close to Stanislav.

Here is Jørgen Lumbye in his apartment.

He was trained by Stan himself in his methods and techniques, he translated all his books to Danish, he held various workshops, arranged seminars and lectures with Stan, and he became my personal guide, sitter, and close friend. We participated in several ITA conferences, where I met many of these pioneers (the list is long…).

In 2002, Stanislav visited us here in The Magic Garden. Unfortunately, I lost the photos, but the meeting resulted in deepening our relation, and some years later, he got a copy of my book for which he wrote a preface. This was a major blessing for me and gave me the courage to proceed with full power and confidence in the creation of The Magic Garden.

Stanislaf Grof and me in Basel 2006.

In 1984, when my stormy quest for my true and authentic self began, the year 2020 was far out in the future. All the predictions that Stan and the other pioneers were talking about was sometimes very futuristic and hard to grasp for a teenager, and young man. But when I started to have personal experiences with The Master Plan, personal experiences of what humanity is growing into, what deep transformation we are undergoing in these crucial years, everything started to make sense. I just knew that we all have our own dharma and must play our own unique role in the cosmic drama.

I am fully convinced and that decades from now, Stanislav Grof will be recognized as perhaps the most important and influential man of the 20th century.

I love you Stan, and I’m forever thankful for all your wisdom, your love, your passion, and your dedicated work.

PS. Just finishing this post I got the message that Jørgen Lumbye passed away this morning. Now I better understand my dreams tonight. Blessings and love to you dear Jørgen. Warmhearted thanks for a mind-blowing adventure together in this incarnation.

Blessing, Jacob

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