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Our Story

Ecaterina & Jacob

Soulmates and creative partners

By Jacob Moth

In 1999 I met the Moldavian songbird Ecaterina at a jam session in Helsingør, Denmark.


The joint venture of our life paths and deep love kick-started a cascade of creativity, founded in deep trust to the Creator and the Universe.


Ecaterina was born in 1978, 11 years after me, and our energies function like Yin and Yang, as

The Empress and The Emperor.


All dedicated psychonauts sooner or later experience synchronicity, and it is also so that true magic is interwoven in our entire life.


It turns out that my life tarot cards are number 0 ”The Fool” and number 4, ”The Emperor” and Ecaterina's life tarot card is number 3, ”The Empress”.


Now the creation and manifestation of The Magic Garden really started to take off. 22 years after I got the vision, we finally completed it with the manifestation of the 22 tarot cards of the Major Arcana.


Today, The Magic Garden is completed and fully operational. We have a continually ongoing monthly circle of Full Moon concerts, ceremonies with sacred tea and integration workshops. And we have a strong and growing community which we call The Magic Garden Tribe.


We have 4 children and a big family.

Ecaterina og Jacob close up.jpg
3. Ecat & Jacob Trolstigen.jpg
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