Tid og Placering
18. apr. 2020, 08.00 – 20.00 CEST
The Magic Garden, Kronprinsessevej 11, 3480 Fredensborg, Denmark
Om Eventet
In many parts of the world, women's circles are emerging in various editions. As in the '70s basic groups and women's communities of indigenous societies, there is a need in our time again for women to meet in loving, supportive and appreciative communities of being a woman, and the world needs more of feminine primacy.
Inspired by this trend in time, we offer a ceremony only for women. We look forward to a day in which we can unfold and immerse ourselves in the feminine power of a safe, inclusive and loving community.
The ceremony is conducted in a unique way. With inspiration from several traditions, including Holotropic BreathworkTM, Stanislav Grof, Tibetan Buddhism and indian shamanism, we use our own experience and the physical environment to create a warm, secure and loving space, which allows the participants to undergo deep psycho-spiritual transformation and healing.
These ceremonies focus on psycho-spiritual transformation, processing of trauma, healing, self-awareness and mysterious experiences / insight and recognition of your the deeper nature and the nature of the universe.
The ceremony is facilitated by the experienced and proficient women Ecaterina and Pernille assisted by one experienced facilitator and two or three helpers undergoing facilitator training.
►Ecaterina Moth is a spiritual guide, facilitator, singer and healer. She is the co-creator of The Magic Garden - a place that is created to support people on their adventure of self-discovery.
Ecaterina has been singing all of her life. She is a graduate from a 7-year programme at a music school as a pianist and from the Music Conservatory as a singer.
Ecaterina started her inner journeys in 2001. Through undertaking hundreds of deep inner journeys, with Jacob Moth as her guide, Ecaterina has felt her heart expanding and has gained many experiences of feeling at one with all beings and universes.
Ecaterina is facilitating group ceremonies, individual sessions and couples therapy. She has been guiding hundreds of people in ceremonies and sessions where she both sings and support them through their journeys with authenticity, love and compassion.
With unique devotion, empathy and patience Ecaterina supports people to go deep into themselves and feel, embrace, release and process powerful experiences and emotions. People express that they feel welcome and loved in Ecaterina’s affectionate presence. Ecaterina’s magical elf-like singing is an essential part of the powerful and transformative ceremonies and concerts offered at The Magic Garden.
►Pernille has a background as a school teacher and is a Diploma Graduate in special pedagogy. She has worked as a counselor for many years for both children and adults.
Pernille has furthermore an education in gymnastics and has been singing and playing music since her childhood.
Pernille has throughout her life worked with many psychological and spiritual modalities. She began her inner journeys in 2017 and has participated in both group ceremonies and individual sessions.
Pernille has been the apprentice of a shaman for over two and a half years and has been a part of the facilitator team in The Magic Garden since spring 2018. Pernille has been facilitating both group ceremonies, individual sessions and couples therapy.
Participants describe Pernille as being very calm, grounded, warm, compassionate and loving and having a primordial mother and grandmother energy in her way of supporting people on their deep inner journeys.
During the ceremony we sing and play drums, rattles, percussion and complement with music from Axis Mundi.
7.45 - 8.00 Arrival
8 - 8.45 Introduction and opening circle
8.45 - 9.00 Breathing exercises, questions and answers
9.15 to apr. 16 CEREMONY
16. -17.30 Mandala drawing as integration
17.30 - 18.30 Sharing circle
18.30 - (or when we are done) Dinner and rounding
►Spots: There is room for eleven participants.
►Location: The Magic Garden, Kronprinsessevej 11, 3480 Fredensborg.
►Price: Kr. 2000 -.
►Application form: Mail to ecaterina@themagicgarden.dk to get an application form.
►If you have questions you can text to Ecaterina on 23709898. ►Note: You must be fasting, no food and drink in the morning before the ceremony. However, you may drink water.
We look forward to meeting you and seeing you flourish.
Love, light, magic and blessings
Ecaterina, Pernille and the team
Women's Ceremony Ticket
2.000,00 kr.Salg slut
0,00 kr.